Community Guidelines

Last update
July 27, 2022
5 min read

Our purpose is to provide unlimited job opportunities for creators worldwide. We are friendly, creative, and helpful and our priority is to drive and influence our app users to start living off their talents by connecting with brands and monetizing their passions. We want to help the influencer marketing industry establish parameters that benefit both brands and influencers.

Our community guidelines apply to all of our community members and to all content that is posted by our members on Influur. We reserve the right to remove any content without notice – including video, audio, livestream, images, comments, links, or other text – that violates our Community Guidelines as well as ban any account found to be in violation of the guidelines. Violations to our Community Guidelines include:

  • Nudity, sexual activities
    This includes images, videos, or comments that are sexualized or depict any exposure of private body parts. This also includes sexual exploitation of a minor.
  • Violence
    We do not allow anyone to use our platform to threaten or promote violence. An account will be banned if it threatens the safety of the public or promotes on or off-platform violence. This includes criminal activities that promote physical harm, use of weapons, or theft that leads to violence.
  • Suicide, self-harm
    We deeply care about everyone involved with Influur. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, direct them immediately to the suicide prevention hotline (800-273-8255). We do not allow any content that promotes self-harm, suicide, or eating disorders.
  • Bullying, harassment, hateful behavior
    Influur will not tolerate any member of this community that bullies, harrassess, speaks profanely, or shames others both on or off the platform. These types of behaviors can lead to extreme psychological distress, self-harm, or even thoughts of suicide.
  • Discrimination
    Influur does not condone any derogatory slurs that are intended to harm any individual or group simply because of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disibilities, or immigration status. We will not tolerate any post or comment that dehumanizes or uses hate speech towards someone else.This includes images, videos, or comments that are sexualized or depict any exposure of private body parts. This also includes sexual exploitation of a minor.
  • Threats of hacking, doxxing, and blackmail
    We do not allow any content that threatens to hack an individual’s account, blackmail an individual, impersonate or reveal an individual’s personal data, or scam an individual. This includes misinformation as well as copyright infringement. We consider these threats as forms of abuse and will not tolerate this behavior on our platform.
  • Illegal substances
    Influur does not allow the promotion of illegal substances on our platform. That includes encouraging others to use, make, or sell any illegal substances or offers information on where or how to purchase these substances. This also includes the illegal use of depressants, hallucinogens, stimulants, alcohol consumption, or tobacco products.

We want to encourage a healthy and productive work environment for all regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual or ientation etc. We want Influur to be a safe place for all of our creators, brands, and influencers to express them selves and their creativity. We strive to keep our platform positive and encouraging and we reserve the right to ban any accountsthat go against these guidelines. Please remember that Influur reserves the right to update our Community Guidelines at any point.We do this as a means to evolve with our users as well as to help prevent new risks or behaviors that could potentially pose a threat to our community. Remember, you must be 16 years of age or older to have an account withInfluur. If you or someone you know believes you have discovered content that violates the Community Guidelines, we have access to tools for you to report the content.

Category of Personal Data
Examples of Personal Data We Collect
Categories of Third Parties With Whom We Share this Personal Data: 
Profile or Contact Data
  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Unique identifiers such as passwords
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Payment Data
  • Payment card type
  • Last 4 digits of payment card
  • Billing address, phone number, and email
  • Billing address, phone number, and email
Commercial Data
  • Transaction history
  • Consumer profiles
  • Records of personal property
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Device/IP Data
  • IP address
  • Device ID
  • Domain server
  • Type of device/operating system/browser used to access the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Web Analytics
  • Web page interactions
  • Referring webpage/source through which you accessed the Services
  • Non-identifiable request IDs
  • Statistics associated with the interaction between device or browser and the Services
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Social Network Data
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Username
  • IP address
  • Device ID
  • Social media demographic data
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Professional or Employment-Related Data
  • Resume
  • Job title
  • Job history
  • service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Consumer Demographic Data
  • Age / date of birth
  • Zip code
  • Gender identity
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Geolocation Data
  • IP-address-based location information
  • GPS data
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Sensory Data
  • Photos, videos or recordings
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Health Data
  • Medical conditions
  • Disability status
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Inferences Drawn From Other Personal Data Collected
  • Profiles reflecting user attributes
  • Profiles reflecting user behavior
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
Other Identifying Information that You Voluntarily Choose to Provide
  • Other, voluntary personal information you choose to provide about yourself to build your Profile that other parties can view to help identify you for certain opportunities
  • Service Providers
  • Advertising Partners
  • Analytics Partners
  • Business Partners
  • Parties You Authorize, Access or Authenticate
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